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Chronic Illness & Disability Counseling

Have you or a loved one received a health diagnosis for a physical, cognitive, or emotional condition?

Are you exhausted and overwhelmed?

Do you feel alone with nowhere to turn?

Whether you are the person with a disability or a caring family member, know that I have the specialized training and experience to support you.

I, myself, identify as a person with a disability. I understand the experience of adjusting to a diagnosis, learning new ways to accommodate limitations, and dealing with disability stigma and discrimination. I’ve also helped care for a beloved family member with a disability; it was one of the most challenging experiences of my life.

If you're attempting to manage chronic illness or disability on your own, please consider reaching out.

Some of the concerns clients bring to counseling include:

  • addressing limitations in physical, emotional, or mental functioning caused by illness or disability—especially those that interfere with daily living, school, or work activities;
  •  identifying and reducing disability-related barriers to employment;
  •  handling disability-related stigma, ableism, and discrimination;
  • dealing with medical invalidation and/or trauma;
  • feeling dehumanized by impersonal medical bureaucracies like insurance, private disability programs, workers’ compensation, or the social security system;
  • navigating significant life changes, such as placing a loved one in assisted living or memory care; and
  • coping with the demands and stresses of caregiving.